‘Makara Sankaranti’ festivities began on a grand note in Prakasam and Nellore districts of Andhra Pradesh on Saturday with former Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu leading the celebrations in Venkatachalam on the outskirts of Nellore.
Cattle shows, Ram fights, kolatam and rangoli competition were organised during the celebrations in Nellore, where Mr. Venkaiah Naidu and Defence Research and Development Organisation Chairman G. Satheesh Reddy took part.
Kovur, a town near Nellore, was also abuzz with activity as pairs of bulls from across the Southern States arrived in the town for the Rekla race.
In Ongole, vedic scholar Matampalli Dakshinamurthi led a group of priests in performing the Godhadevi Kalyanam with Lord Ranganatha at the Santhapeta Sai Baba temple on the last day of the Dhanur Masam when devotees recited ‘Thiruppavai’.
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