Rishi Sunak and Nicola Sturgeon have informal dinner

Speaking before the meal, the First Minister’s official spokesman said she had no intention of broaching her controversial gender reforms despite the prospect of a court battle.

The UK Government is considering vetoing her Bill which would allow children as young as 16 to change their legal gender simply by signing a declaration. A decision must be made by the middle of next week.

It is feared the legislation will undermine women’s rights in England’s schools, hospitals and prisons if men travel north of the Border to more easily change their legal gender.

Ms Sturgeon’s spokesman was unsure whether she planned to raise independence at the dinner despite her controversial plan to use the next general election as a ‘de facto’ referendum.

Instead he said the First Minister wanted to raise the UK Government’s planned anti-strike legislation, the cost-of-living crisis and NHS pressures.

However, she will not join Mr Sunak at the unveiling of a freeport on Friday morning at the nearby Cromarty Firth. The Prime Minister will also confirm the Forth bid has been successful.

They will be Scotland’s first green freeports, which will see tax incentives being used in a bid to boost investment and economic growth in the two areas.

Ms Sturgeon was scheduled to return to Edinburgh to chair a Scottish Government’s resilience meeting on the NHS winter crisis.

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