Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Friday denied the claim made by the Leader of the Opposition Edappadi K. Palaniswami in the Assembly that the government’s borrowing has increased since the DMK came to power.
Contending that it was “completely false,” he said the net borrowing of Tamil Nadu government during the final year of AIADMK’s rule in 2020-21 was ₹83,275 crore. However, the net borrowing for the year 2021-2022 after the DMK came to power came down to ₹79,303 crore.
According to him, this reduction in net borrowing was achieved due to effective governance despite acute financial stress and implementation of many new welfare schemes. The Chief Minister, earlier in his speech in the Assembly on Friday, however, acknowledged that raising finances has been the most challenging task ahead of the government.
#Opposition #leaders #claim #govt #borrowing #wrong