How much it costs on average to rent a house in Darlington right now

With house prices soaring and rent prices across the country we’ve taken a look to see how much on average it costs to rent a house in Darlington.

The search reveals that for some properties in certain areas of Darlington, you could be paying up to £2,175 per calendar month.

In other areas, however, you might be able to rent for a more moderate price of £539 per calendar month.

It comes as the average rent for a new letting jumped by £117  per month since last year, according to property website Zoopla.

This has pushed the typical rent to £1,078 per month, Zoopla said.

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The website said this equates to 35% of the average income of a single earner – the highest level in more than a decade.

Rents have been rising particularly sharply in cities such as in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Bristol and Sheffield over the past year, Zoopla added.

These cities are seeing demand exceed supply, being major employment centres with large student populations, it said.

The report said there has been a modest increase in rental supply in recent weeks, as the house sales market has weakened.

The average number of homes for rent per estate agency branch is 10, up from seven at the end of September, Zoopla said.

Check out our list of average rent prices across the different areas of Darlington

This list was created using Zoopla’s map search function, the areas are not exact.

Average rent price for Darlington:

Darlington Town Centre average:

The Northern Echo:

Darlington South West (Blackwell area)

The Northern Echo:

Darlington North West (West Park and Cockerton area) :

The Northern Echo:

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Darlington North and North East (Harrowgate and Haughton-le-Skerne):

The Northern Echo:

Darlington West and South West (Eastbourne and Firthmoor area):

The Northern Echo:

Darlington South (South Park and surrounding areas):

The Northern Echo:

#costs #average #rent #house #Darlington

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