Horoscope today: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg on January 12


March 21 to April 20

The knots you have felt in your communication cords can now start to untangle as Mars spins direct.

And instead of getting frustrated, you will be able to give your full understanding to all conversations.

You have a direct, honest way of approaching people that impresses bosses.

Get all the latest Aries horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

What’s my star sign? Zodiac dates and characteristics for January and February
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April 21 to May 21

The moon and Neptune face off and this can cause you emotional turmoil.

But it can be a positive, as you sort through feelings you realise you don’t want, or need, and end up just with ones that truly matter. Yes, “A” can be part of this.

Being more upfront about cash in a family or friendship is good.

Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries – The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiac
Aquarius – The traits you need to know for the air sign
Capricorn – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Cancer – The key traits for the sign include a keen love of food
Gemini – The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twins
Leo – The best and worst characteristics of the fire sign
Libra – What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?
Pisces – The key traits for the sign include an interest in the arts
Sagittarius – The traits you need to know for the fire sign
Scorpio – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Taurus – The best and worst characteristics of the earth sign
Virgo – The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness


May 22 to June 21

No one talks about what they do at work, or earn, until today.

Mars can make you speak out when you don’t expect to, so be ready.

You can lead the way to a new, fairer system of rewards.

Your passionate self can get carried away and ignore, or forget, certain love rules.

Luck rings three times.

Get all the latest Gemini horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


June 22 to July 22

Instead of simply doing what is asked of you, you question requests today and lay down your own principles.

So if you are asked to keep a hot secret, or pass on some less than accurate information, you know what to do.

A talented amateur musician can make a wonderful lover, but this will ask a lot of you.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

Even if you’ve had a lukewarm response before, this time when you approach a closed group, you can be admitted – and on your own terms.

Remember that in love and life, advice can be given freely but there is no obligation to accept it. This can free your mind and heart.

Pluto’s ability to surprise is strong in you.

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


August 24 to September 22

The challenges you choose today surprise everyone, including yourself, as you turn pride down to low and co-operation up to high.

This time, when an old ally tries to get in touch, you can keep the connection open.

Yes, you two have a lot of history but the best moments for both of you are yet to come, very soon.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

Luck chooses pastel pink


Luck chooses pastel pinkCredit: Getty


September 23 to October 23

A location you never visited but always found fascinating can be key today.

Talking to a stranger about this place can spark a love-flicker, even if you promised yourself to stay away from attraction for a while.

This can be your time, and so different to past relationships.

Luck chooses pastel pink.

Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


October 24 to November 22

Fiery ruler Mars makes positive waves in your self-image zone and you are ready to try out a look that so far has only been in your imagination.

Yes, it has the wow factor.

Bolder colours, stronger tastes and a firmer hold on your own emotions – all these and more are in the zodiac for you, and it starts today.

Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 star signs

The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below.


November 23 to December 21

Your relationship rules are overdue a revamp, and today can be the perfect day to start.

Instead of shrugging off bad or simply thoughtless behaviour, you take it to task and set up some new shared standards.

Meanwhile, if you’re single, The One is 100 per cent loyal but still has a naughty twinkle you can’t ignore.

Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


December 22 to January 20

Pluto’s presence in your personality zone stops you putting up with nonsense, and makes you blunt with people who get on the wrong side of you.

But it can also push the kind of stubborn standpoint that’s hard to shake.

So, be aware of how you share and adapt to personal success today.

Pet names link to prizes.

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

What could the signs have in store for you today?


What could the signs have in store for you today?


January 21 to February 18

Your money chart can take much analysis but instead of just thinking, it is time to act.

You are ready to be involved in a group programme and learn much about yourself.

A location famous for its weather can be where you meet your soulmate.

If you’re happily paired up, the meaning of a dream will be clear tonight.

Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


February 19 to March 20

A home that’s pretty and has a celebrity link can come closer to your future.

Ways you see to improve family finances and connections are worth following.

At work, the people who say least can support you most.

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In love, your feelings are still there underneath, no matter what has been piled on top of them.

Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

ZODIAC SIGNS: What’s a star sign and how do I find mine?

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