Coronation Street spoilers: Daisy’s life in danger by sinister stalker | Soaps

Daisy receives more flowers from someone (Picture: ITV)

Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) gets the shock of her life in upcoming Coronation Street episodes when she realises she has an anonymous stalker.

When she starts getting flowers sent to her she’s initially fairly relaxed about it, because she knows she spent an evening harmlessly flirting with a DJ she was hoping would be able to appear at her and Daniel (Rob Mallard)’s wedding.

Obviously she didn’t want Daniel knowing about the flirting bit, so she hid the card that came with the flowers and told him she’d bought them for him.

It’s Daniel who’s at home to receive the next delivery of flowers, and he knows they’re not for him because he reads the card. They’re from someone called Justin, and he demands to know who Justin is.

Following this, Daisy decides to call a halt by messaging Justin to tell him that the flowers aren’t welcome and she wants him to stop.

This doesn’t work, though, and before long a third bouquet is arriving at the door from Justin. Daisy decides to take to social media to warn other women that the DJ has been harassing her, telling them to avoid having anything to do with him.

She’s horrified when the DJ she previously met turns up at the Rovers and denies all knowledge of sending her flowers. He asks her to take down her defamatory social media post because it’s causing him serious harm.

Daisy goes cold when she realises that if it’s not the DJ who was sending her flowers, there’s someone else out there who is targeting her. Whoever Justin is, Daisy worries about what he might do next.

Is she in danger?

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#Coronation #Street #spoilers #Daisys #life #danger #sinister #stalker #Soaps

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