Two-legged fox stuns couple | The Week UK

A couple said a two-legged fox nimbly strolled across their lawn on its front legs “bolt upright like a human”, reported The Times. Phil and Jane Carter, who live in Ilkeston, said they spotted the fox and filmed it before it dashed off “like a rocket”. Experts said that the fox is likely to have been disabled from birth and fed by humans. However, said the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, a wild animal surviving and living a healthy life with such an impediment is unprecedented.

Firefighters hampered by wave of butter

A canal in Wisconsin was filled with butter after a fire broke out at a dairy plant, reported Fox News. Firefighters called to the Associated Milk Producers Inc plant were repelled by the running butter. “When we first tried to go up the stairs to that part that collapsed, this stuff, the butter was running down like three inches thick on the steps so our guys were up to their knees trying to go up the steps to get to the top, and they’re trying to drag the hose line, the hose line got so full of butter they couldn’t hang onto it anymore”, said a spokesman. The fire was put out and no one was injured.

Bird breaks record with 11-day flight

A juvenile bar-tailed godwit broke the record for the longest non-stop migration by a bird when it flew 8,435 miles from Alaska to Tasmania, Australia, reported UPI. According to Guinness World Records, the bird, known by tag number 234684, was wearing a 5G satellite tag when it departed Alaska on October 11, 2022, and landed in Tasmania 11 days later, without stopping a single time for a break. Eric Woehler of Birdlife Tasmania said the bird probably lost “half or more of its body weight during continuous day and night flight”.

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