Don’t fill your future dates with memories of past events

We wish for everyone to be happy and prosperous, when the year turns. But what are the signs that you are prosperous? According to me, it is freedom, a fearless smile and sense of sharing with everyone around. The most visible sign of prosperity is the trust and confidence that you will receive whatever is needed in life.  
Look inward and welcome the new year with a smile. Like you flip the calendar, you need to do the same with your mind too. Often, we fill our past with memories and take it with us into our future too. Don’t fill your future dates with past events. You must learn and unlearn from the past, and move ahead. 
We wish freedom from negative qualities like greed, hatred, and jealousy. When the mind holds on to these qualities, it struggles to be happy or peaceful. You are unable yo enjoy life then. So begin with seeing that negative emotions have come due to events of the past and they cannot do anything to you in this present moment. Forgive the past. If you cannot do this, then you will continue to be miserable in the future. This new year patch up with someone who you have not been on great terms with. Commit yourself to dropping the past and starting a fresh life.  
Have the sankalpa (intention) for a more peaceful and prosperous world around you. With the economic crises in many countries, natural calamities that have occurred, we have to help each other and serve each other more. Realise that our highest priority is to end violence in the world, to free the world from domestic and societal violence. Make a resolution to do more good to society and bring solace to those who are suffering. Take responsibility for the country. 
While living in the world, attend to the spiritual dimension of the world. It brings a sense of belongingness, responsibility, and care for the humanity. It is only the spiritual dimension that can effectively dissolve narrow divisions of caste, creed, religion and nationality and give you a broader awareness of life present everywhere. 
Let your devotion blossom this year. Give divine a chance to work. You should have a desire to experience the presence of the divine in your life. Have you ever desired the highest peace? The whole world is run by this divine light. When you sing or pray be there soaked in it totally. If the mind is engaged elsewhere, then no prayer can happen.  
Lastly, feel free like a bird. When will you do it? Right now! This is something only you can do for yourself. Become content. Meditate and chant and make your inner self strong enough for dealing with any challenge that comes your way.  
Only when you have a relaxed mind can your intellect remain sharp. When the mind is filled with trivial ambitions, worries and feverishness, then the intellect loses the sharpness. When intellect and observation is not sharp, life fails to express itself in totality  ideas do not flow and abilities diminish. Step out of your little mind every now and then. This will resolve most of your problems. Be natural and loving. Serve and celebrate!

#Dont #fill #future #dates #memories #events

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